Company name / Name:
Geoway Ltd.
Tavasz utca 4., Nagytarcsa, 2142, Hungary
Phone number:
Shop name:
Tax number:
EU VAT number:
Company registration number:
Bank account number:
Raiffeisen Bank 12023132-01106147-00100007
HU53 1202 3132 0110 6147 0010 0007
Contact person name:
András Méder
Contact person´s phone number:
Contact person´s e-mail address:
ZONE 1 - with courierGyőr Moson-Sopron county and Vas county
Postcode areas starting with number 9
For orders above 2500 kg please contact us directly at e-mailTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg24.99 kg10 280 Ft25 kg49.99 kg19 330 Ft50 kg74.99 kg24 710 Ft75 kg199.99 kg49 910 Ft200 kg399.99 kg59 190 Ft400 kg599.99 kg84 630 Ft600 kg799.99 kg106 960 Ft800 kg999.99 kg120 810 Ft1 000 kg1 199.99 kg139 400 Ft1 200 kg1 399.99 kg151 790 Ft1 400 kg1 599.99 kg164 010 Ft1 600 kg1 799.99 kg179 010 Ft1 800 kg1 999.99 kg191 560 Ft2 000 kg2 199.99 kg211 120 Ft2 200 kg2 399.99 kg228 570 Ft2 400 kg2 500 kg233 950 Ft -
ZONE 2 - with courierDél-Alföld region, Dél-Dunántúl region, around Balaton region
Postcode areas starting with number 6, 7, 8
For orders above 2500 kg please contact us directly at e-mailTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg24.99 kg10 280 Ft25 kg49.99 kg19 330 Ft50 kg74.99 kg24 710 Ft75 kg199.99 kg58 860 Ft200 kg399.99 kg70 280 Ft400 kg599.99 kg99 940 Ft600 kg799.99 kg127 820 Ft800 kg999.99 kg148 530 Ft1 000 kg1 199.99 kg166 950 Ft1 200 kg1 399.99 kg184 230 Ft1 400 kg1 599.99 kg205 740 Ft1 600 kg1 799.99 kg221 550 Ft1 800 kg1 999.99 kg242 910 Ft2 000 kg2 199.99 kg264 100 Ft2 200 kg2 399.99 kg284 970 Ft2 400 kg2 500 kg295 400 Ft -
ZONE 3 - with courierBudapest city, Pest county
Postcode areas starting with number 1, 3
For orders above 2500 kg please contact us directly at e-mailTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg24.99 kg10 280 Ft25 kg49.99 kg19 330 Ft50 kg74.99 kg24 710 Ft75 kg199.99 kg64 240 Ft200 kg399.99 kg75 990 Ft400 kg599.99 kg107 450 Ft600 kg799.99 kg135 320 Ft800 kg999.99 kg154 230 Ft1 000 kg1 199.99 kg180 150 Ft1 200 kg1 399.99 kg203 950 Ft1 400 kg1 599.99 kg218 460 Ft1 600 kg1 799.99 kg237 210 Ft1 800 kg1 999.99 kg253 670 Ft2 000 kg2 199.99 kg274 380 Ft2 200 kg2 500 kg306 000 Ft -
ZONE 4 - with courierNorthern Hungary, the northern part of the Tiszántúl region, to the territory of the central part of Alföld region,
Postcode areas starting with number 3, 4, 5
For orders above 2500 kg please contact us directly at e-mailTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg24.99 kg10 280 Ft25 kg49.99 kg19 330 Ft50 kg74.99 kg24 710 Ft75 kg199.99 kg70 280 Ft200 kg399.99 kg82 020 Ft400 kg599.99 kg116 090 Ft600 kg799.99 kg141 030 Ft800 kg999.99 kg163 190 Ft1 000 kg1 199.99 kg185 370 Ft1 200 kg1 399.99 kg209 650 Ft1 400 kg1 599.99 kg225 800 Ft1 600 kg1 799.99 kg242 910 Ft1 800 kg1 999.99 kg264 100 Ft2 000 kg2 199.99 kg284 970 Ft2 200 kg2 399.99 kg306 000 Ft2 400 kg2 500 kg316 760 Ft -
Egyedi szállításTermékeink közvetlenül Németországból érkeznek a megrendelőhöz.
A 2.4 métert meghaladó vagy "furcsa" méretű/formájú termékeink egyedi szállítást igényelnek!
A szállítási költséget ebben az esetben megrendelést követően a visszaigazoló e-mail-ben küldjük, melyre várjuk a visszajelzést.Egyedi szállítás
The majority of our products in the Geostore webshop are produced in Germany,
in compliance with the highest quality standards.
If you order from us, the products will be shipped to you directly from our German supplier.
in compliance with the highest quality standards.
If you order from us, the products will be shipped to you directly from our German supplier.
Lowest environmental impact
Fastest delivery
For these products there is an additional shipping cost. You can find the shipping costs in the pricing tables above.
We strive to provide the best available shipping cost for every customer, everywhere in the country.
For our other (not gerrman) products there is also an option to pick up your order at our site and pay no shipping fees.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at one of our contact options.
We are always happy to help.
Előre utalássalA leadott rendelés után rövidesen küldeni fogjuk a DÍJBEKÉRŐ levelet.
GEOWAY Mérnöki és Szolgáltató Kft.
Bankszámla száma:
Nemzetközi bankszámlaszám IBAN:
HU53 1202 3132 0110 6147 0010 0007
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
H-1133 Budapest, Váci út 116-118. -
Bankkártyás fizetésTo customer information CLICK HERE